What Are Write-Offs in Medical Billing - Info Hub Consultancy
Medical Billing

What Are Write-Offs in Medical Billing

Are you wondering what write-offs in medical billing mean? Write-offs refer to the sum the provider must deduct from his accounts. Contractual write-offs and adjustments are two types of write-offs. The excess of the invoiced amount over the carrier’s permissible amount is wiped off as a contractual write-off. Each carrier’s pricing schedule will be placed into the billing system. When you’re publishing EOBs, these charge schedules, also known as system authorized amounts, will appear in the system. If the EOB permitted amount is less than the system permitted amount, the write-off will be the disparity between the billable amount and the system allowed amount. Or else, the write-off would be the gap between the billed amount and the EOB allowable amount.

Some of the most common types of necessary write-offs include charity, small balances, no insurance, and contractual adjustment.

• Charitable write-offs—These are a basic courtesy that occurs when the fee schedule and the sum collected coincide. You may also refer to them as a fair endeavor to provide financial aid to the community while adhering to policy.
• Small balance write-offs– These are taken into account when small balances on a patient’s account under $10 or $15 are deemed uncollectible. In primary care settings, practitioners will not mail small bills and will try to collect them when the patient returns to the clinic.
• No insurance and prompt payment write-offs – These are usually provided by well-to-do offices that grant write-offs to patients who pay in full at the end of treatment or who remain uninsured or pay in full towards the end of the treatment.
• Contractual write-offs– are the differences in fee-for-service and the maximum permissible in the patient’s portion that has been agreed to through a contractual adjustment.

Errors including missing an insurer’s timeline, diagnosis coding errors, illegible claims, inaccurate patient numbers, and registration issues all result in unwarranted write-offs that could have been avoided. Unnecessary write-offs are those for which you have not approved, and for which you grudgingly reduce the amount due to invoicing errors or situations over which you should have had control but did not.

• Timely filing write-offs occur when a claim is filed after the payer’s deadline. To be paid by Medicare, claims must be made no later than 12 months from the date of service. Medicaid coverage varies by state. Commercial payers typically have strict deadlines for filing, with most averaging three months. Make sure you’re aware of the deadlines for each payer.
• Uncredentialed provider write-offs occur when a claim is submitted for a provider before they have been credentialed by the payer.
• Bad debt write-offs are the amount that you’ve decided not to pursue any further.
• Administrative write-offs are the ones that the manager approves based on customer service complaints. If a patient has a particularly terrible experience at the office, the management may decide to offer a discount or write off the bill entirely. If you discount the service, make sure to file a claim for the adjusted rate, as you can’t charge the payer the full amount while discounting the fee to the patient.
• Collection agency write-offs are accounts receivables that have been written off the principal A/R (accounts receivable), and are being collected on your behalf by a third-party collection agency. These debts will not be pardoned. Some practice management systems have a separate collecting bucket or account receivable, whereas others don’t. Most practices will not set an appointment with patients who owe money to them until the debt is paid in full or the patient agrees to a suitable payment plan.

What does the term “provider write-off” imply?

The gap between the actual charge and the permitted charge is that a network provider can’t charge a patient with a health insurance plan that uses the network.

What is a healthcare write-off?

The amount deducted from the charges for a service delivered by a center that functions as a healthcare professional for an insurance provider are known as a provider write-off. The write-off could take the form of the insurance company refusing to bill the covered for specific services that surpass the insurance company’s authorized expenditures.

What’s the difference between the billed amount, allowable amount, and the write-off?

When you utilize an in-network provider, you don’t have to pay the difference between the permissible amount and the actual cost billed; your provider must simply write off the part of their billed amount that exceeds the allowed amount.

A write-off should only be used when you are qualified for the claim but are unable to recover money owing to conditions such as patient insurance that is not valid. This would be considered a legitimate tax deduction. Info Hub Consultancy Services, a medical billing company has a team of billers and coders who are professionals and are adept with the nuances and requirements of every billing aspect.